
Monday, February 8, 2010

Pandisal for Dinner

My brother Dave brought two bags of my favorite Filipino treats, Pandisal.  I remember me and my apo Sindang would take a long walk early in the weee morning before sun rise to this bakery in the Philippines.   I I remember the long lines of people outside waiting for their fresh and hot pandisal.  and inside this bakery was this flaming pizza style brick oven, but wasn't mad out of brick, more like a small cave.  They would have these long shovel like to bake these breads.   It's amazing how the scent and taste  of food also takes you back in time. 

Pandisal are Filipino bread.  Usually eaten with a hot cup of coffee and often dipped in it. 

I make mind with cheese. and a few minutes in the ove.

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