
Friday, April 9, 2010

Benefits of helping someone else

On of my old customer contacted me and asked me to help her with her website.  She wanted the ability to update and add her own contents.  She said had unlucky run-ons with other website designers and one even took her money and just disappeared while others took her contents but never began with the projects. 

So I told her to meet me at my favorite coffee shop with a free wifi to see if I could help her out.  The best solution I had in mind was to create her a blog.  But come to find out she already had one and had been posting on if for over four years.  She just didn't have the knowledge to search for a blogger template and change her whole look and giver her blog a brand new appeal.  So I spent about 2-3 hours with her showing her the ropes of the layout department of  She is so happy with the outcome. 

But during my free tutorial with her, I also learned something new.  I didn't know that my current template, which I love, I had no idea I could include a picture banner at the very top of my blog.  Because if anyone notice prior to changing my banner was I only had a text banner and a 460x70 google adsense at top.  But I love it so much now. 

So I learned something new from helping someone else. 

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