
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Toot and Roxy are getting out of Hand

My two pittbulls are becoming out of hand according to my daughter.  To me they are just likes kids who needs attention and a schedule.  They ramsack the kitchen trash and poop all over the house while she overslept.  Is not the puppies fault.  Her boyfriend should have left them in the front room and locked them in there.  But instead, they were left without food and water.  So I don't blame them at all for what they have done.  Anyway I can't wait to go home and give them their treat and take them for a walk.  They must be very bored.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Toot is getting Better

Jamie took some pictures of Toot recently.  and I wanted to post them to show that she is getting better.  She literally lost all her facial hair and began loosing her body hair.  But her health took a better turn.  and she seems to be getting better.  I make sure she eats plenty and have plenty of fresh water daily.  I also gets her treat so it keeps her appetite rolling.  I try everything to keep her mange under control but her neck seems to be getting pink sometimes.  I rubbed it with Tea Tree Oil, sometimes Apple Cider Vinegar and bath her once a week.  I threw her big teddy bear that she likes so much, because I think its just loaded with fleas and mange micro bacteria. 

She's began a new habits, chewing on wood furniture and sleeping on my bed.  I think she got the sleeping on my bed from her sister Roxy.  Roxy thinks my bed is hers and you can't tell her otherwise.  But she is just so sweet so I let her get away with it.

I'm so happy to see her black and white face instead of her gray face.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Rocket Stove, the most efficient way to cook outdoors

I read on the news online about these guys that created a non profit organization to give families in the third world countries these rocket stove.  And since I never heard of them, I decided to research about these rocket stove.  I looked on ebay and found these two types of rocket stove for sale for over $100.

The first I clicked on is selling for $125.00 and made out entirely on steel.  The only thing I don't like is, it says that you have to poor the ashes out per every meal you cook or for every two hours.  What if you want to use it as a camp fire.  I guess you have to keep pouring and re-starting the fire every two hours?  Anyway to get this rocket stove CLICK HERE  The seller also have a video link to hi rocket stove.  and I like that, watch below.

The other person selling another type of rocket stove is ebay user stovetec CLICK HERE to check out his stove.  and I think they are the two white men that are giving away 1000 stoves to family in the third world country.

The best one I like would have to be from   This site also teaches you how to make your own or purchase one for $45.00 and that included the shipping.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How to make it in this tough economy

I just left the homepage of and there's an article on the homepage that caught my eye.  The article is about the jobless Americans and how this economy is taking a toll on many people. 

Here's my tips on how to make it in this tough economy.  Number one, you're gonna have to give up a few things.  But this is what I have done to stay afloat.  My lifestyle is very froogle.  Not by choice but by my way of life.  I use to have a full time job, as a graphic artist working for a local tabloid newspaper in town.  But my life was turned upside down when I lost my job.  I lost my apartment, car and basically my daughter and I had it rough for some time and still do but we are doing much better these days.  I learned how to live froogle lifestyle and have been living like this for a few years.  Anyway here are the tips:

I relocated and rented a house near where everything I need is walking distance.  My rent is currently $425 per month.  and I live in a 3 bedroom 2 bath southern Victorian style house.  and I really do appreciate the large space.  Grocery store, post office, and even some clients of mine are walking distance. 

I don't own a car.  So there's no car note, insurance payments, gas, and maintenance.  That's plenty of savings there.  Instead I opt for a bicycle, with basket on the front and rear rack on the back and planning on purchasing some panniers.

I also bought a personal cart for grocery shopping.  But the possibilities of use with this cart is endless.  I just use it for now for grocery shopping.  I drink plenty of water and buy gallons of water often and if you ever had to carry grocery  home, you know what I went through.  But thank goodness for who offers this cart for $19.00 and free shipping. 

I started blogging and earning money by placing google adsense on my blogs.  Its not much but it helps, it supplement my income.

I started selling stuff on ebay.  and now I'm currently averaging over $1000 per month on sales.  That's why it was important for me to be close to the post office.  Because I often drop off packages. 

I don't own a contract phone.  Instead I have Boost Mobile unlimited monthly plan.  $50.00 unlimited talk, text, and data.  My phone is not a smart phone, but it does takes pictures and checks all my 3 emails for new mails and notifies me, which is very convenient, I can quickly find out if I sold an item online. 

I don't have cable, or home phone.  My cell phone is fine.  and the internet keeps me update on what is going on in the rest of the world.  So I don't have cable.  Every now and then, I rent movies from REDBOX. 

I use the Virgin Mobile MIFI, for internet access.  Its $40 per month.  Unlimited data plan.  so they say but they slow your speed when you reaches 5000 MB or 5GB of data.  So I go to my nearest hotspot or wifi and watch my favorite show on my laptop and treat myself to a mocha cappuccino. 

I changed all of my lightbulbs for energy efficient ones.  So if I was using 100kw and I replaced it with 14kw.  Saves me money on my electric bill. 

I use an toaster oven instead of the stove when making cookies, biscuits, pot pies and other bake goods.  I save over 70% on electricity when using a toaster oven.  and did I mentioned that my toaster oven can fit a 12 inch pizza?  Yes, it does.  and I use a crock-pot to make huge meals that last me days and save money on groceries.

I don't buy new furniture.  I buy used furniture from and used furniture warehouse.  Save big money.

I don't use my dryer.  Just my washer and hang clothes to dry.  Especially towels, sheets, and blankets.  Who cares if they have wrinkles.  and my washer and dryer was purchased used.  So I save big on that.

What I don't cheat on, is my vegetable and water.  Since I don't currently have health insurance.  I make sure I eat plenty of vegetables, like fresh green beans, asparagus, and broccoli.  I am trying to live a lifestyle of prevention so I don't have to spend so much money on doctors and hospital bills.  I walk everywhere so I get my exercise.  I take care of my teeth and I try not to use so much chemicals. 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Casey Anthony is innocent?

This case proves that there is no justice in the American Legal Justice anymore.  How much more proof do you need. The woman is a liar.  Whether the government found dna or medical evidence or not, Casey Anthony have proven to the world that she cannot be trusted and will lie her ass off. 

She was convicted only of four misdemeanor counts of lying to investigators who were looking into the June 2008 disappearance of Caylee, her 2 year old her daughter. She lied about being employed at Universal Studios. She lied about leaving Caylee with a baby-sitter, then again when she recounted to investigators that she had told two imaginary people that Caylee was missing. She also lied about receiving a phone call from Caylee the day before she was reported missing. 

No matter what, she was responsible for her daughter's well being.  And She was present when her daughter supposedly drowned in the pool.  She was present when her father supposedly discarded of the body to make it look like they wasn't responsible for the incident.  Wasted the government officials, time, energy, and money by searching for her daughter while she knew the whole time where and what happened to her daughter.  Her ass was partying and getting tattoos while the fucking police were looking for her missing child that she claim someone kidnapped. 

And yet, the bitch is only charged with misdemeanor.  I wonder if the government will still go after her for child neglect. 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Riding your dog and puppy on your scooter

I was just joking with my daughter about taking our dog for a ride on my scooter to come.  So I was curious to see if anybody thought of this and I wasn't surprised to find out that, YES, there are crazy and brave people out there.

Where the puppy right?  This woman is riding her baby on a scooter.  How the hell is she holding on?  I would have atleast put on one of those baby strap and a helment on the baby or and big ass leather jacket.  Just add anything and everything to secure the baby.  I understand you might trust your husband what about those bad ass fucking drivers.  For god sake, take the bus or better get a stroler.