
Saturday, January 7, 2012

2012 Top 10 Most Endangered species

World Wildlife Fund has put together a top 10 list of endangered species to be on the look-out for in 2012. Help protect their future by visiting to see what you can do to make a difference for our planet.

Leatherback turtle – The leatherback turtle has survived for more than a hundred million years, but is now facing extinction. Recent estimates of numbers show that this species is declining precipitously throughout its range.

Sumatran Orangutan – The Sumatran orangutan is the most endangered of the two orangutan species. Found only in the northern and western provinces of Sumatra, Indonesia, the species is fast losing its natural habitat to agriculture and human settlements.

Mountain Gorilla – The mountain gorilla became known to science on 17 October 1902, and is a subspecies of eastern gorilla.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna – Tuna is perhaps the most high profile victim of unregulated and uncontrolled overfishing. Bluefin tuna populations have declined alarmingly over the past few decades.

Vaquita – The vaquita is a very small porpoise that lives solely in the Gulf of California, Mexico. The species is critically endangered primarily as a result of entanglement in fishing nets.

Irrawaddy Dolphin – Some populations are close to extinction such as those in the Mekong River and Malampaya Sound in the Philippines. The main threats are from fisheries bycatch and habitat loss.

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