
Monday, July 16, 2012

Jittery Joes of Macon Georgia

I'm finally here at Jittery Joe's.  I've been meaning to check them out.  They are a coffee shop that offers free wifi service.  and I'm so glad they have sandwiches because I'm famished from me walking here from the post office.

I did a lot work this weekend and so I'm taking my time to day to relax a bit and spend some time with my blogs. :)  With so much work and recent tragedy, the early passing of my puppy Roxy, kinda still got me depressed a little bit and out of touch.  I decided to get out today and attract some positive energy and release some of sadness.  I really really misses my Pup.

Anyway back to Jittery Joe's. My friend told me about it and she checked it out first.  She said it's similar to our favorite coffee shop Joshua Cup and much cheaper on prices.

The only thing that I noticed quickly is they close at 3pm Monday - Saturday.  I guess because its summer break for Mercer University. 

I visited Barnes and Nobles across the street.  I was really disappointed because they seems to only care about Mercer Students.  All of their stuff geares toward Mercer.  I wanted to spend money buy some books to add to my ever growing collecting of egyptian books but I only saw Mercer University paraphernalia. 

Jittery Joe's Macon Georgia
located by Tattnall Square Park
I just snapped this picture with my webcam :)

I did try a sandwich, a chicken salad sandwich on croissant.
It was ok, it comes with side chips and a strip of pickle. 

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