
Monday, November 16, 2015

USB Wall Power Charger

I was at the bus terminal recently and noticed that the power charger socket on the wall were made to fit USB cell phone charger.  I was amazed at the upgrade.  So I was even amazed that I can have this convenience at home.  My budget will not allow for a wireless charger just yet.  But I did order this 4 port usb wall charger on ebay.  and it has been a blessing.

It works great and organizes my charging station way better.  No more looking to pair USB chargers.  I can now charge multiple things on one charger without having to pair them with prongs.  So for $10 bucks this was definitely a must have.  

I can now charge my phone, mp3 player, tablet, and bluetooth speaker with ease.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Audio CD cover design for Christian, Church, Ministries

Audio CD cover designs for Christian organization

Thursday, June 11, 2015

How to get free materials for your compost pile

Yeah, I love how my new way of eating is changing me.  I love how my skin is much more clearer and I am more energize.

Simply eating salad daily and drinking plenty of water.
Learning to grow my own veggie cause I want to go organic.  One day I would love to have atleast 70% of my fruits and veggies from my very own garden.

and speaking of garden.
The city came to our house to let us know that they will be trimming our trees away from the power lines.  As I watched them destroyed my two trees I couldn't help to wonder what would they do with all of these fallen branches that is now all over my front yard.  
Another truck came after the tree cutter and began to mulch.  I approached one of the men and asked if I could have some of the mulch.  Without hesitation, they asked where did I want it dumped.

I just chose a corner and now I have so much fuel for next year compost.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Salad Diet

I don't even know if you can call it a diet.  I just decided one day about a month ago, that I was going to start eating healthy.  For many years now, I thought my diet wasn't so bad, and I still think it is not.  I don't eat a lot of meat.  But I will eat a hamburger and love starchy food.

So I am embarking on this eating salads daily.  At first I would go to Wendy's or Saxby's and order their salad and felt satisfied.  But I knew that this was not gonna be good for my wallet and I don't go out everyday.  So I had to find a solution and I did.

Saxby's House Salad

The Salad that started my diet
Wendy's Asiago Salad, it is sooo goood.

My solution is mason jar salad.  and it is so affordable to me.  I thought eating healthy would be expensive, lies!!! It is very affordable to eat healthy.  For less than 10 bucks I can get about 5 to 6 serving of salad by implementing the mason jar salad technique.

and if you don't have mason jars, use old spaghetti jars like I did.  I actually save glass jars.

Here as you can see, I added seeded grapes and boiled egg.  It is a meal.

One thing I am loving about my diet is, I didn't think I could stay away from my Pepsi but I haven't had Pepsi in a month.  and that deserves a standing ovation.  I do crave sweets and I don't let it win, instead I eat fruits which satisfies my sweet tooth craving. 

I only lost 10lbs this month.  But this month, I am adding exercise to my diet and hopefully I will quickly shed some lbs off.

even my coffee cup got smaller.

I really love this new way of eating.  I feel good about it.  I have more energy.  My stomach is not bulging as much.  I shit don't smell as bad.  I sleep better.  My breath smells better.  
I just feel better.

I can't wait till I take it to the next level by planing my own organic salad mix.

what my fridge looks like June 1st

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Old world lighting

I do have a thing for old world technology.

They were scatted all over the house.  I decided to clean them today and have them ready just in case this thunder storm will have us in the dark.
Oil Lanterns are inexpensive.  Bought these at Walmart for $6 - $10 bucks 
and I have a couple of tea light candle holders.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Vegetable Garden Update - first pick of squash

I don't even buy squash in store.  Never really had taste for them.  Nor do I cook them.  But I had the seeds and I planted some.  So I have about four squash plants and boy they are sun hungry.  I finally was brave enough to pick a couple from the garden today and was super delightful.

I feel like a professional vegetable gardener.  I am so proud of my plants.  I didn't know how to cook nor have I ever cook squash before.  So after watching couple of videos on youtube, I gave it a try.  I sauteed them with garlic and green onions and basil with coconut oil.  (I ran out of olive oil)  and oh my gosh! they are delicious and can't wait for more picking.

I also decided to go ahead and harvest the cilantro seeds or should I say coriander.  I planted new ones and here are my left overs cilantro seeds.
want some of these seeds?  
email me with your mailing address and will send a packet.
alicmiran @ yahoo dot com

May 28th
picked some green beans today and turned them into a meal.

My landlord seen my garden and gave me seeds.  I love that! so thoughtful!

I love getting to know my vegetable plants.  Like how they introduce themselves by these beautiful, I've never seen before squash blooms.

These photos were taken June 2nd
My vegetable garden has grown wild. I didn't know squash plants gets humongous. My tomato plants are over 6ft tall. Straight up organic. No bought soil, fertilizer or chemicals. Just compost from last year fall leaves. I am amaze!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

Ocmulgee Traders downtown Macon

I love this new spot in town.  Located on Poplar Street in downtown Macon, Ocmulgee Traders.  They have a mini grocery store below, eating area in the mid section and top floor, you'll find rows and rows of fine selection of wine.

I'm not gonna lie to you, the first time I came here I ordered some sandwich and I wasn't please not the lease.  The sandwich was tasteless and dry.  But I was really thirsty and I decided to give them a second chance, cause everybody needs one. I wanted something cold and sweet before heading upstairs to order a strawberry/blueberries smoothie, I grabbed some fresh strawberries below.

I must say, is this the best smoothie I ever had?  cause it sure taste like it.  I'm instantly hook.  So, go check them out and get you some of that delicious smoothie, you won't regret it.

I love the seating area.  It has this old world vibe going on.  Maybe it's the mint color decor, or the local art work displayed on the brick walls, or the natural light from the ceiling height window with the colorful blooms outside.  It just feels right.

fresh blueberries (superfoods)

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Morning Harvest - and Fresh Pesto

I watched tons of Youtube video last night regarding basil plant, how to properly prune them and make some fresh Pesto.

Woke up around 7am, let the dogs out and off to water my vegetable garden and with me my pruning tool. and here's my morning harvest.

My version of Pesto.

I was out of olive oil, but I have cold press coconut oil

no pine nuts, but I have some sunflower seeds

added about 3 clove of garlic, cause I love garlic and pound all the ingredients in mortal and pestle. 

Did you know Pesto means "To Pound".

My breakfast, coffee with biscuit and fresh pesto.  
My biscuits never had it soooo goood.

Friday, May 15, 2015

What I love about Savannah historic district

As you know, 2 to 3 times a year, I visit Savannah when Greyhound bus allows me to for $2 round trip.  I kid you not, $2.00  Because I am El-Cheapo the frugal traveler, I am on a budget.  So I just do this one day trip thing.  I live early and catches the bus late.

I have noticed a pattern to my trip... I keep coming back to this one area of downtown, the Oglethorpe Square.

Most tourists loves the Ellis Square, City Market, Forsyth Park, and River Street, but I love the Oglethorpe square.  I can see myself living in this area.  It has cafes, restaurants, retail stores, boutiques and so much more.  Next time I go, I'll make sure I do a video tour.

tricycle cabbies hangs out at this park.  that is my fav cafe here and around the corner is Mellow Mushroom pizza.  There are plenty of shops at this squares.  

here's something new this year.  I didn't know it existed, a bike sharing program in Savannah Georgia, yippie!!!  As soon as you get off the greyhound bus, you also arrived at the city bus terminal, which is where the Bike sharing terminal located. 
You can rent this bike for $5 a day.  For more info on the bike sharing program, here's the link...

This is Ellis Square, there is a terminal here for the Bike Sharing System.

and I definitely recommend it.

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Bicycle plus crutches is equal what???

I was in Savannah recently and it is a bicycle friendly town.
Lots of people rides bikes.  But check out what this guy did to his bike.

It is a girl's 10speed bicycle and he used crutches to form racks.  
that's creative.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Veggie garden update

I am just amaze how my veggie garden is growing so well.  If you have been following my posts... you know that I did not buy any soil, fertilizer, or other chemicals for this garden.  It is not by choice but by necessity.  

The purpose of the garden is for me to save money on vegetables... So I feel that by buying soil, fertilizes and etc... it depletes the purpose.  Plus it is good for the environment and it is organic.

here's a tip:  I use cotton yarn and shower curtain ring to support my tomato plants.

I watched a video on youtube about cilantro plants, the video encourages you to throw away the plant after eating the cilantro.  Well I didn't and it gave me coriander and lots of it.

bayleaves flowers.  the first time I have seen them.

string beans flowers

check out all that string beans... that's whats for dinner tonight.

I thought my squash plants were a failure... but I love how good hey look.  
again... no fertilizer use.  I have a very poor sandy soil, I barely had compost material.  and I love how my veggie garden is blossoming. 

#veggiegarden #vegetablegardens #urgangardening

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Edible flowers in your backyard.

My daughter made bake potatoes, garnished with sourcream and bacon.  I wanted to make it more healthier by foraging in the backyard and snip bit from my vegetable garden.  So here's what I added.  I added 3 kinds of flowers, cilantro flowers, spiderwort flowers and dandelions.  I also added some bay leaves and cilantro leaves.



cilantro flowers

not your typical bake potato.
It's true what they say that there is a huge difference in taste between store bought herbs to growing your own herbs.  The taste is so much better and healthier for your.