
Sunday, March 31, 2024

My Sunday

 I'm suppose to be resting.  Resting so I could survive the following work week.  But I tend to go to bed exhausted each night.  Maybe by choice.

I have to ask myself sometimes what's the goal or the point of working so dang much.  Enough of that here is my Sunday Story.

the exterior of the bus was getting to dingy.  Specially the top or the roof of the bus.
I actually bought an extended electric bus for cleaning the shower and I used it to somewhat clean the exterior of the bus.  It looks a little better on both sides.
Next time I'm getting the ladder to really scrub the top of the bus.
I am planning on painting the bus myself.  

Then we went to the office to processed some yard sign orders.
Afterwards we headed off to Barnes and Nobles, just to get out of the house. 
For me I like their Black or Early Grey Tea.

I tried to do some work but it is Easter Sunday and I got booted out before I could sit another hour.

I should be working on Leland's website
But I really need some alone time so I could just spend hours on his website.

Anyway I got booted out of the bookstore before I could really dig into work
After grabbing a $50 worth of grocery from Kroger, I'm back at home boiling some eggs for my tuna and crackers dinner.  

That's my Sunday Easter.  How was yours?

Etsy Updates for the Month of March

 It's 11:05 pm But I'm gonna go ahead and tally my March Madness on Etsy.  

How do I feel about this month?

I am impressed.  I actually scored over 100 orders.  and Made $689.91.  About 95% Digital.  and I'm loving it.  I'm gonna continue making digital products to compliment my Listings.  and I do believed I have a "Nitch".  

I will continue to sale Canva Templates.  and I am not convinced that there's still a market for it.  I don't know how long because of this AI thing.   But I will ride it out until then.  

I also do like this stats.  It gives me an idea how to maximize my listing even further. 
I am still cautious about asking my customers to leave me a feedback.
I need to do more research on feedbacks.  
Currently I do not want to bother my customers to leave me a feedback.

Saturday, March 30, 2024

My Saturday

 March 30th, 2024 

It's Saturday.  

Let's go to the property.  He hasn't been working on the property lately.  He is sick today with a little flu or cold or something.  

On stand by at the moment.  But we have brand new roof and we have bought some brand new windows, that are waiting to be installed.  

Luckily we installed some wireless security cameras through out the property and we caught some very strange visit from... I believe inspectors or zoning guys.  
But they're trespassing.  We gonna check on that.  They were all over our property.

But I did took photos of my buses :) 😁. At the moment they're doing their job, acting as my storage.  Because I got rid of my storage and it's monthly fee or bill and just loaded both buses with it's content, books lots of books.

and here they are!! Tada!!

and what else did we do today?
This is sun down on our Street.  Isn't it just beautiful!

Monday, March 25, 2024

Etsy Updates for February 2024


Just wanted to share my Etsy Update for the month of February this year of 2024.
If you would like to follow my Journey, please subscribe  to my blog.
I post often.  Not in any Chronological way. But leave me a comment below of what you would like to see.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Etsy Store Update for January 2024


This is my January 2024 Etsy Store Update
I actually made 3 sales this month.  Which probably triggered my motivation.
I don't think all this is digital.  
My goal is to sell Digital and Canva Templates.
and if you would like to see my shop and what I'm selling,  Join the Club. 

Saturday, March 23, 2024

Etsy Store Update

 Going on 3rd month and I can't believed that I made over 100 sales.  Here is my current update.

March 22, 2024 
I made $42.12 with 9 orders
114 Views with 58 Visits

I am planning on creating a 
Tracking Page like a habit page.  But instead of tracking habits, I would like to track my sales, Quantity, how much Etsy Ads I'm using  etc.  So I created this Etsy Sales & Ads Tracker so I can focus my limited $3 per day budget around the peak time.  

Since only one Category in my shop is doing well.  I would like to apply whatever I learned from this tracker toward another category that's not doing so good.

Ofcourse I will also maximize each listing to their fullest potential.  Meaning:
1. Photo of each Listing should have a top notch quality.  and I'm going to use all available slots for images.
2.  All listing in this experiment will also contain one 10 second VIDEO
3.  I will double check and use all available ALL TAGS
4.  I will get Chat GPT to help me create a better Description
5.  I will advertise each listing on social media (Maybe and Facebook)
6.  I will add these listing to the website also
7.  I will promote them on Pinterest
8.  I will adjust the price.