
Friday, April 30, 2010

Are we ready for Nuclear Energy?

A friend of mine was listening to a Blog Talk Radio Show this weekend and the topic was Nuclear Energy.  A caller called and he was saying that we should use Nuclear energy.  He kept insisting that Nuclear power is safe and that we should encourage the people and the government to use it.  

I just had to get involve in the conversation because, personally I don't think human are prepared or responsible enough for Nuclear Power.  I asked the gentleman how can people get the security that Nuclear power or a Nuclear Powerplant is safe in their community.  He stated that if there were a nuclear power plant, he would rather stay close to the power plant because it is the safest place to be.  He further argued that the government protocol for Nuclear Powerplant is strict and therefore should be the safest place to be because the government regulations would keep the powerplant in such scrutiny that there would be no room for error.  

I totally disagreed with him.  I gave an example with the current energy we have, which one is OIL.  I'm pretty sure the regulations and safety recommendations is followed through the oil industry.  But I'm hearing more often that there are oil spills happening more and more.  

Well... if we aren't event responsible enough to contained and prevent oil spills, then are we responsible enough for Nuclear Power.  Because, isn't true that minute mistake with Nuclear power cold catastrophe? 

We can't even prevent OIL SPILLS, much less Nuclear mayhem. 

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lemongrass of Macon Georgia

My first impression is, the restaurant definitely looks a lot smaller from the ad that I saw on Macon Food Magazine.  But since it advertise itself as the one and only Thai Restaurant in Macon, me and LadyT had to try it.  I love the inside of the restaurant.  Its located on Cherry Street, downtown, Macon.
I was hungry and was on a budget.  Their menu is bit high for me.  So I chose the Ginger chicken which was serve with ball of white rice.  The chicken arrived plenty.  and I ate it all.  It wasn't as tasty as Sushi Thai food and the Thai Tea is also a bit blend compare to Sushi Thai Restaurant of Warner Robins.

But I do like the ambience of the restaurant.  And they don't have over 15 pages of menu, just a couple of pages.  which I like.  But I don't see the Duck, which I love from Sushi Thai Restaurant.  I know I keep insisting that I love the contemporary look of the inside of the restaurant.

I think that's the only thing I really liked.

Smart Car ForTwo

They are getting more popular and popular everyday. I want one.

A bit expensive.  I don't know why.  But since it's half the size of a regular car, you would think the price should be about half also.  As cute as this car is, I couldn't say the same thing about its price.  I still wonder why it's so expensive.  It should be around $5 to $6 thousand dollars for a brand new one that around $10,000.00  But its definitely a conversational piece.
Love it.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Arm Exercises

How to get rid of those flabby arms?  I found this great video on Yahoo's homepage.  Celebrity fitness trainer shows you simple exercises to help get rid of those flabby arms to sexy arms and shoulder.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Just another day

Was out all day today running errands.  Went to the bank first and cash in the check that Gigi wrote me yesterday for Doctor's website.

$20.00 for Gas
$79.38 for GA Power
$10.60 for 2 Bras at Rainbow
$6.30 from Staples for 3x 11x17 sheet print out
$10.59 again from Staples for Bathroom Tissue & Kitchen Rags and Sponges
$5.04 Fish Value Meal from McDonalds
$5.00 Tip for Domino's Delivery Man -
$14.30 - Pair of Tennis Shoes and 3 Pair of Socks
$16.00 - Kroger for Groceries - nuts & fruits
$5.00 - $1 Dollar Store - Dustpan and 2 sets of hangers for Jamie's Pants - Car container for me
$2.00 - to begger
Subtotal so far $174.21
Getting Paid today... Priceless

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Jamie's Baby Photos

I didn't want to loose these photos.  I'm glad I found 'em.  She was so adorable when she was little.  The best baby ever.  Didn't cry much.  She always found ways to occupy herself.

This was a Christmas Photo.  This photo was taken at the mall.  I loved taking her places and showing my beautiful baby around.  

Gosh she love the pool.  This was taken at her grandmother's swimming pool apartment on Art Museum Drive.  her cousin Renata was in the pool with her that day.

School photo.  Her grandmother always impressed me on how she dressed her and chose of clothes.  I just couldn't figure out how she did that.  Jamie loved that sweater jacket she have on.  She just always had to have it on.  She was proud that her grandma Nash as we called her, gave it to her.

Another school photo.  Again her grandma dressed her.  Notice her shoes with the bells. her grandma bought those also.  She was trying to make sure that Jamie only wore top of the line shoes and that it wouldn't ruin her feet.

My Amazon Wish List

This is my Wish List.  Is not much.  I really just have a beach cruiser bike, and I want it fully loaded with rear rack, front basket, the bell, maybe a flashlight.  that's not too much.  But definitely check the 3 wheel adult bike.  I got to have one.  Wouldn't that be cool to ride around with.  Screen Printing Kit and a skype phone.

 I did recently purchased that wonder washer.  I love it.  It does wash your clothes.  Its' perfect for baby clothes and underwear and stuff like that.  Even though I have used it to wash some of my blouses and stuff.  It just doesn't ring out your clothes out.  But it works amazingly.  Perfect for small apartment and perfect for clothes diapers and baby clothes.

Lunch at McDonald again

I'm on a strict budget today.  I only can spare about $3.00 and some change for lunch.  And luckily McDonald have value meal for $3.00  I love it.  I ordered the McChicken Value Meal.  It comes with medium fries and drink.  And surprisingly the sandwich isn't all that bad.  It's actually good.  I'm staying away from sodas so I'm drinking Tea.  and today I love the sweet Tea because it isn't so sweet.  They usually have so sweet that I know its unhealthy. Aside from their value meal.  This particular McDonald have FREE wi-fi.  Who can beat that?  I found a perfect place to seat because I can plug my laptop and blog for an hour or so and can do some work, check my email and stuff.

Feeling bad after shopping

I made some change yesterday.  And I was feeling a bit better.  So I called my girl LadyT to go out for lunch in Warner Robins at the Glynn's Caribbean restaurant.  On our way she picked the Macon Food magazine and started breezing through it.  She notice the ad for an event at the Washington Park and we figure this would be a great idea to go to for tomorrow to have a little fun.  As always she's always dressed to impressed and I was looking raggedy like I don't know what.  So before we headed for lunch I decided to stop by and grab a blouse at It's Fashion and I found a cute casual yellow blouse for $5.99 and I swore that's all I was going to buy.  But she tried this long bohemian dresses and it looks soooo good on her.  I thought it would be perfect it we wore dresses for today's event. I also found a dress which I know I couldn't afford to get but I just had to buy it.  I don't regret it because the dress is beautiful and hopefully it will still look like that when I take pictures today.  Anyway the dress is for $15.99  So my total only came up to $23.00 something dollars.  

But on our way back from Warner Robins after eating at Glynn's Caribbean my van started acting funny.  But luckily it made it to her house.  I don't want to drive it any further 'till I get it check.  Hopefully its just the steering wheel.  But it looks like definitely something's leaking.  I hope I get paid from Cornelia tomorrow or something so I could have some cash.

I'm working on an album cover.  and I hope she'll pay me for the photos we shot cause the customers are asking for them.  I just want $100 for the photos.  and $75.00 for CD design, which should cost more.  

Friday, April 9, 2010

Jamie & Keeliah

Had to take to the park.  She was driving us crazy. Besides it was a beautiful day to take some pictures. 

She thinks she so damn cute!

Just had to have two of them.

We haven't seen her since the incident with her mom.  So while her mom was out and about, she called us one day to come and get her.  We just had to see her to make sure she was ok and end up keeping her for a few days.  She talks so clear.  She just turned two years old just a few months ago.  Very smart for her age.  Keeliah.

Found some old & new photos of me

I was backing up my photos from my HP Laptop Pavilion Entertainment Notebook PC to my Lexas 4GB USB drive. and I decided to share some of my photos online.  So here they are.

I remember this photo.  It was taken in 1985.  It was also when my last year in the Philippines.  I had to travel to the U.S. because my mom wanted to save money on my ticket.  I was only 11 years old just a few days before I turned 12.  That's Jamie with me. 

Then many years later somewhere inside the mall in the U.S., is my is me and my little sister again taking pictures but this time inside a photo boot.

Trying to warm something to eat inside the microwave

Inside AEO printing office

Made it on the frontpage of Augusta Newspaper again!  That's me in the Isis outfit on.

According to the photo above it was taken in March 29, 2002.  This was inside Joshua's cup.  My favorite place to be in Macon. 

My good friend Michelle inside Tubman Museum in Macon, Georgia

My favorite picture of Jamie and I.

These photos were taken with my HP Pavilion Webcam. 

with my sony cybershot digital camera

Love this shot.

Curios about my photos on my new banner?

The first one from the left is an old picture of me, Jamie and her dad.  The 2nd, is a photo taken during the annual Zed Festival on Tamare.  I think it was 1999 and its Heather, me, and crazy ass Tamika.  3rd Photo is Jamie and I during a pizza outing with Dr. Malachi Z. York.  The 4th one is Doc and I during the Annual Nuwaubu Ball, I think this was in 2000.  The 5th photo is Marshall Chance and I, my ex.  The 6th photo is my good friend Sahar from NY, visiting me on Tama-Re during the Aset Festival.  And the last photo is just a random photo of me.

Benefits of helping someone else

On of my old customer contacted me and asked me to help her with her website.  She wanted the ability to update and add her own contents.  She said had unlucky run-ons with other website designers and one even took her money and just disappeared while others took her contents but never began with the projects. 

So I told her to meet me at my favorite coffee shop with a free wifi to see if I could help her out.  The best solution I had in mind was to create her a blog.  But come to find out she already had one and had been posting on if for over four years.  She just didn't have the knowledge to search for a blogger template and change her whole look and giver her blog a brand new appeal.  So I spent about 2-3 hours with her showing her the ropes of the layout department of  She is so happy with the outcome. 

But during my free tutorial with her, I also learned something new.  I didn't know that my current template, which I love, I had no idea I could include a picture banner at the very top of my blog.  Because if anyone notice prior to changing my banner was I only had a text banner and a 460x70 google adsense at top.  But I love it so much now. 

So I learned something new from helping someone else. 

FREE Cold Calling Script for Web Designer

Hi My name is Jamie with Miranda Design Studio, we specialize in Print, Web, and Graphics Design Service.

Do you have a quick minute?

I'm calling to let you know that we are offering 50% off on a custom design website for your restaurant. 

Would you like to hear more about it?
This special offer includes:
  • Custom Design Website for your restaurant
  • that includes homepage or introduction page
  • about your restaurant page, contact us page,
  • and ofcourse a menu page and a PDF format of your menu for download
  • Add your logo, images, videos, and audio
And all of this for 50% off our original price. 

If you would like, I can schedule a representative to come by and give you more detail about this special offer and how it can help you generate more customers.  

What would be the best day for you?


If they say this is not a good time ask them "What would be a good time to call back?"

Fundraising Ideas for Elementary School

Fundraising ideas for Elementary School. I thought this was a great idea. The school staff took their own photos of their students.  Emailed them to me in JPEG format and asked me to create them a fundraising photos thats economical and cost effective.  I came up with 11x17 Student Group Shots.  But since they couldn't get all the students at the same time in one location.  They took several shots and I just placed them all in one page.

Added the principal's photo, school logo and a the school mission statement and wala!!! you get a masterpiece.  If you're interested in having something similar like this for your school give me a call at (478) 338-0558 or visit me on my site at

This single sheet School Portraits can be printed at a low cost at your local printer on glossy paper for less than $1 and sell to Parents for $5 to $10 per copy.  and that is genius fund raising idea!

I designed the layout above, so if your school could use this fundraising idea and in need help with your graphics, I can provide quality design as you can see above and fast turn around.  This project  only took one day for the design.  Give me a call (478) 338-0558 for more info. 

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pay attention to the signs

I was gonna chill out by Panera Bread tonight.  But my restless ass didn't listen to myself.  And instead decided to fill up the van with gas and end up at the waffle house down the street around 1:30 in the morning.   Then decided to head back to Panera Bread area but the police pulled some lady over and looks like he was testing to see if she was drunk.  So I decided to hit the highway and head to Joshua's cup.  But right before I exit to Vineville, I gets a flat tire.  I had to call Jamie and her boyfriend to come and change my tire to my spare tire.  It took about 30 minutes or more to change the tire.  And I headed to the exit and barely made it out of the exit before the spare tire gave out on me.  Luckily my van is off the highway and on some Doctor's parking lot.  Hopefully they don't tow my van.  I'm gonna have to find a way tomorrow to get a new tire put on.  Hopefully it doesn't cost too much. Hopefully I have enough money.  and that reminds me I need to order AAA service.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sisterlocks Life and Style

Had to help her out.  I didn't even know she had a blog already and plenty of postings.  and OMG she have over 25 followers.  I helped her navigate through her blog and showed her how to update her header, change, add and place widgets throughout her blog sphere.  And I know she's loving it.  

She is actually one of my inspiration on blogging.  Because a couple of years ago, she asked me to design her one and I'm like "what?" what the fudge is a blog?  and why would you want that.  and now my email address is   

Fortunately I'm one of those people who aren't scared of clicking a button to see what it can do.  And therefore I learned to blog.  and have several of them.  I think she's going to be very successful on her venture into the blogger world and will make plenty of money and find lots of success.  So I welcome 

Patient is a must to master

After a long awaited period, I finally closed one account today and got paid.  And I got paid on another small project also.  That's not bad.  And my daughter's boyfriend is doing he's best to take care of them.  I hope he doesn't tire easy.  Because Jamie is like a bear in hibernation.  But I help as much as I could with ease.  Now I can breath easily.  I still can't believe she chose not to attend school this quarter, although she has nothing else todo.  I'm slowly walking away from her so she could learn how to survive without me.  I can learn how to live without her.  Yes, I have finally realize also that is not her fault, is also mine.  I have to learn to dropped her off the top of the cliff, so that she'll spread her wings and fly away.

Planning on trying to do some cold calling tomorrow to gain some new clients and add more dough to my pocket.

T, is as always, thinks that he's being used.  I don't use him.  If he just realize and wake up, he'll really see how much I care for him.  I just can't stand all that verbal abuse anymore.  I don't want to have to try to prove to him over and over that I'm not going nowhere.  But stop pushing me away.  Gosh

I agree... I'm not perfect and often makes silly choices.  But I do what I can.  And I probably have done more for him than anybody.  I just feel like I'm not being appreciated.  Gosh... do I have to make a list?

First Step to Feeling Better

Cleanliness is next to Godliness, is on of my favorite sayings.  Take one day to organize and clean your bedroom.  Believe it or not, you spend most of your time in it, even if you only sleep in it.  Your bed should always be made up and inviting.  There's nothing like clean sheets and soft comforter after a long tired day.  You can even take it to the next step by adding some aroma therapy.  Burn some scented candles or frankincense and mere like I do.  Frankincense and Mere are known in ancient times to ward of negative energy.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Feeling much better but not 100%

I am feeling much better today.  But I know I'm not 100% recuperated because I'm still coughing every now and then. Just got out of the shower.  Oh!, did I mentioned, yep, I did it,  I caved in.  But atleast I tried very hard for 3 days to stay away from that chocolate candy bar and I didn't even really enjoyed it.  I must have been just hungry a bit.  But I feel the strength in me growing.  I'm feeling more confident that from now on, I'm going to take better care of my health.  As long as I can control it.

Younger Skin in 9 Days

It takes only nine days to look younger and less stressed, says dermatologist Dr. Amy Wechsler, author of The Mind-Beauty Connection: 9 Days to Reverse Stress Aging and Reveal More Youthful, Beautiful Skin. Dr. Wechsler shares her nine-day skin renewal plan, which she says will improve the overall appearance of your skin.

Day 1: Simplify
Dr. Wechsler says many people come into her office with a bag full of products they use daily, but she says all you need for your skincare routine are these three items:
  • Gentle cleanser
  • Moisturizer with antioxidants
  • Sunscreen made with zinc oxide and titanium dioxide
Once you simplify your beauty routine, focus on getting at least eight hours of sleep. "When you are sleeping, that is when the beta endorphins and growth hormone are at their highest—the healing hormones essentially," she says. "That is why we are always told you heal in your sleep, you grow in your in your sleep. It's true—the more time your body can spend sleeping, as opposed to being awake and stressed out, the better."

Day 2: Relax
Put yourself first and try to unwind. Dr. Wechsler says these are great ways to relax:
  • Book a massage
  • Have sex
  • Try yoga or breathing
Day 3: Go Green
Get out into nature and enjoy yourself, Dr. Wechsler says. "Get out of the office for 10 minutes and look at the sky and the tress—it's relaxing," she says. "There are some studies that show that physiologically, your stress hormone levels go down if you can get outside."

Day 4: Eat Clean
By concentrating on eating well, stress will dissipate, Dr. Wechsler says. "When people are stressed, they are driven to eat high-carb, fatty, fried foods with high sugar, and they binge eat more when they are stressed," she says. 

Day 5: Exercise
Take 30 minutes out of your day to exercise, Dr. Wechsler says. You don't have to do an extreme workout—just move your body, she says.

Day 6: Foster Friendships
Make plans to see your friends, Dr. Wechsler says. "Not just texting and e-mailing your friends, but actually making plans to see a friend in person—we don't do that enough these days," she says.

Day 7: Pamper Yourself
You don't have to go out to an expensive spa and get a massage to indulge, Dr. Wechsler says. "Just do a [face] mask at home," she says. Mixing whole milk and honey together as a moisturizing face mask is something Dr. Wechsler says you can do in seconds.

Day 8: Sleep In
Try to sleep in or take a 20-minute nap, Dr. Wechsler says. "Plan it. If you are a working mom or stay-at-home mom, plan with your partner to let you sleep in," she says.

Day 9: Reflect
Think back on the nine days and determine what worked for you and what didn't. "What can you take with you for the rest of your life that seemed to help?" Dr. Wechsler asks. "We are talking about this more as a whole life renewal plan, not just a nine-day plan."

Feeling a little better

I somehow found strength to stay away from chocolate while I'm sick.  I read somewhere that sugar kills your immune system.  So I figure, I better practice the art of self disciple, which is one of Buddhism's highest value.  I almost cave in.  But luckily, I overcame the temptations.  My body kept trying to tell my mind that its okay and just go easily grabbed the damn thing, unwrapped it, and enjoy it.  But my mind kept reminding me, subtly, that nope, "you know its not gonna do you any good, especially at your current conditions.  Do you want to feel the pain of being sick again."  So I have to ask myself over and over again, don't you remember to take better care of your body from now on.

I'm planning on going to a "NO Sugar Diet".  I don't know exactly how to execute such task.  I'm thinking to make a list of not to do such as:

  1. No more candy bar chocolate for now or cordova chocolate.
  2. No more sodas.  Which I'm getting pretty good as staying away from.  
  3. More water. 
Speaking of water.  What is going on.  A gallon of water use to cost $.25 per gallon, and now it's over $1.00  I guess I just have to get filtered water from now on.

If THE MOST HIGH will, that I'll get much better tomorrow.  I did drank some of this golden seal potion that T-man concurred together for me.  

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Feeling so sick

I've been feeling out of the weather lately.  At first I thought I was just stressed out or something.  But I try not to think about issues that I just don't have any control of right now.  And I'm trying to to teach myself to instead just appreciate what life has to offer even if its just a walk in a nice cool day. 

It's funny how being broke, no money, can really alter your moods.  I think its even messing with Jamie.  But I can't deal with her mood swings.  She tells me that that she didn't even register for this quarter's class.  And stupid me the whole time I'm thinking she atleast regestered for class.  She said she doesn't want to attend class this quarter, as if she has something else todo like a job.  How she gonna quit going to school and don't even have a job.  But I've given up on her.  I've trying to do my best and apparently my best just isn't good enough and not being appreciated. 

I have to start doing me now and I have to start looking out for me and stop feeling so sorry for her ass.

I'm sick.  It was hard to sleep last night.  It was very uncomfortable.  As if my head was too sensitive.  my hands were feeling weird and in pain and my gums, I just want to scratch 'em.  I must need some kind of antibiotic treatment, which I can't afford.  And I'm kind glad I'm at Tracey because it would just be awful at Jamie's house if I was there and sick.